Social and Behavioral Sciences

Have you ever wondered why people do the things they do? Social and behavioral sciences explore the effect of human actions and interaction. Social and behavioral sciences draw from a combination of subjects such as sociology, psychology, and anthropology to provide a well-rounded understanding of the human experience. Although the field of behavioral science is very broad, there are several characteristics specific to the field.
A behavioral scientist is a person whose training allows the study of behaviors of groups and individuals. This shows scientists how that impacts personal development, relationships with others, as well as helping to predict possible future behaviors and its impact on society.
Behavioral scientists are often found working in government agencies, although there is a growing demand in the private sector. Since the field of behavioral science is so vast, there are a wide variety of possible job titles and duties.
Economics is a social science concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It is a part of our everyday lives and can answer some important questions. Why do women make less than men? Why are some countries rich and others poor? What causes inflation? What causes recessions?
The study of economics helps explain why people make the decisions they make concerning resources and incentives. However, it is not only about finances. Economics helps explain historical trends, interpret current tendencies, and make predictions about the future.
Economists have all kinds of jobs, such as professors, government advisors, consultants, and private sector employees. They study human behavior and evaluate programs. They help to inform public policy and even help with household decisions.
Political Sciences and Civics
Political science is the study of politics and power from domestic, international, and comparative perspectives. You will learn more about political ideas, ideologies, institutions, policies, processes, and behavior, as well as groups, classes, government, diplomacy, law, strategy, and war. When you study political science, you gain a better understanding of one of the most powerful forces operating on people, communities and corporations today: government and politics.
Civics is the study of citizens and their rights and duties. Essentially, civics is about what citizens of a nation can do. When you are a citizen, you are considered part of the nation and have an active role in determining what that nation does. So, if you’ve ever been interested in voting rights, the democratic process, policy change, taxes, or jury duty, you might want to spend some time learning more about civics.
If you’ve ever wondered why people act the way they do, you might be interested in studying psychology. Psychology is the study of mind and behavior. It encompasses the biological influences, social pressures, and environmental factors that affect how people think, act, and feel. Gaining a richer and deeper understanding of psychology can help people achieve insights into their own actions as well as a better understanding of other people.
Sociology and Cultural Studies
Do you like to watch people? Have you ever wondered why some cultures prefer driving on the other side of the road? Or, why do some cultures prefer living in multi-generational households? Questions such as these can be answered when studying Sociology and cultural studies. Sociology understands culture as the languages, customs, beliefs, rules, arts, knowledge, and collective identities and memories developed by members of all social groups that make their environments, and essentially life, meaningful.
Sociology majors learn to conduct research about the social world. They gather and analyze data using both qualitative research methods and statistical tools. They learn to think globally about issues and to attend to details. They apply problem-solving skills to social dilemmas and exercise their creative abilities to find solutions to problems such as crime; poverty; inequalities based on social class, race, and gender; epidemics; environmental problems, and so on. You may be interested in finding out what you can do to make a difference.
A degree in sociology is an excellent springboard for entering the world of business, industry, and organizations. The sociological perspective is crucial for working in today's multiethnic and multinational business environment. An undergraduate sociology major provides valuable insights into social factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, education, and social class that affect work and how organizations operate. An advanced degree specializing in the sociology of work, occupations, labor, and organizations can lead to teaching, research, and applied roles.